

Men's Health located in Dothan, AL


Men's Health located in Dothan, AL

Telehealth makes it easy to meet with your doctor face-to-face from the comfort of your own home. At Extended Care Medical in Dothan, Alabama, the team offers telehealth to people in Alabama. The in-office providers are licensed in both states and offer telehealth visits to anyone who needs them. Call Extended Care Medical today to schedule a telehealth appointment, or book your visit online.

Telehealth Q&A

Does telehealth protect my medical records and personal information?

Yes. Telehealth at Extended Care Medical lets you share your medical information securely with your doctor using modern technology, like a smartphone, tablet, or computer. All you need to enroll in telehealth is a device with a functional camera and a microphone. 

Extended Care Medical uses a secure telehealth platform accessible to patients in Alabama and Florida. This makes it easy to see your doctor even if you’re too busy or unable to visit the nearest office in person. 

What are the benefits of telehealth?

Telehealth offers various benefits. For one, it’s convenient. If you have to work or need to babysit the kids, you can see your doctor without having to take time off or hire a babysitter. Likewise, if you have a chronic illness or are immunocompromised, you don’t have to sit in a waiting room around others who might be sick. 

Telehealth provides expert medical advice, regardless of your location. Because the Extended Care Medical team is licensed in Alabama and Florida, you can enroll as a patient as long as you live in one of those states. This is particularly beneficial if you live in a rural area, far from major cities. 

What can I expect during a telehealth appointment?

At Extended Care Medical, no two telehealth appointments are exactly alike. Your doctor tailors the visit based on your medical history and the reason for your visit. 

Since the team specializes in substance use disorders and men’s health, initial consultations typically involve a review of your medical records, a discussion of your lifestyle and symptoms, and questions about your goals. 

Most medical issues can be addressed with telehealth, but you might have to visit the office in person for lab testing, a physical exam, or the administration of peptide therapy or hormone replacement therapy. 

How do I prepare for a telehealth appointment?

To ensure your telehealth appointment goes smoothly, take the time to prepare in advance. The Extended Care Medical team recommends:

  • Sitting in a well-lit spot 
  • Testing your web camera, microphone, and internet connection
  • Logging onto the secure telehealth platform  
  • Turning off all background distractions, like the TV or radio
  • Writing down any questions or concerns you want to discuss

Taking these steps prior to your actual appointment reduces the risk of technical glitches and ensures that you receive prompt care. 

Call Extended Care Medical today to schedule a telehealth appointment, or book your visit online.